The AVMBA has been running multiple fundraising initiatives to raise funds to cover insurance so that the public can access trails, funds to replace unsafe boardwalks and more!
In 2016 fundraising initiatives included: BBQ's at local MTB races, a pool jump jam at Kentville Memorial Pool, and a 50/50 fundraiser.
Thanks to everyone who came out and supported the AVMBA!
Trail and MTB Advocacy
Being 'a positive voice' for mountain biking and trails in the Annapolis Valley is our mission. This year we were present at the Greenwood Wing Welcome, promoting local trails and our association.

We also volunteered to do bicycle safety inspections / basic tune-ups at two bicycle rodeos in West Hants.
Woodville Hiking Trails
'The Links' AKA The Woodville Hiking Trails is the largest trail system the the AVMBA maintains.
Keeping the trails clear of windfall is a big job!
Anima Mundi
This trail system located on the Gaspereau Mountain is one of the hidden gems of the Annapolis Valley.
Here we replaced an old bridge that crossed over this brook with a nice wide and low boardwalk. Thanks to NS Health and Wellness for the grant that allowed us to complete this project!

The snow late this spring made for an easy removal of this old boardwalk. We strive to keep our forests clean and enjoyable for all!